Children's & Young Adult

Doing Life with Your Adult Children: Keep Your Mouth Shut and the Welcome Mat Out


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“Doing Life with Your Adult Children” is an informative and practical guide for navigating the complexities of having adult children. The book’s premise is simple – as parents, it is important to maintain a healthy relationship with our grown-up kids, but this can be challenging when it comes to boundaries and communication. The author, Jim Burns, offers insightful advice on how to maintain a loving and respectful relationship with our adult children while also giving them the space to grow and make their own decisions.

One of the standout aspects of this book is its emphasis on the importance of keeping our mouths shut and the welcome mat out. Burns encourages parents to refrain from offering unsolicited advice or criticism, as this can create tension and resentment in the relationship. Instead, he advocates for active listening and being a sounding board for our children as they navigate the ups and downs of adulthood.

I appreciated how the book addressed various scenarios that parents may encounter with their adult children, from dealing with conflicts and setting boundaries to managing financial issues. The real-life examples shared by the author and other parents added credibility and relatability to the content.

What I found most valuable about this book is its balanced approach to parenting adult children. While it stresses the importance of allowing our children to make their own decisions and learn from their mistakes, it also highlights the role of parents as a source of wisdom and support. Rather than trying to control or fix every situation, the book encourages parents to trust in their children’s ability to handle life’s challenges, while also being there for them in a loving and non-judgmental way.

In conclusion, “Doing Life with Your Adult Children” is a must-read for any parent who wants to maintain a positive and healthy relationship with their grown-up kids. It offers practical advice and valuable insights on how to navigate the ever-changing dynamics of the parent-child relationship in adulthood. I highly recommend this book for anyone looking for guidance on how to keep the bond with their adult children strong and meaningful.

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